The joy of childhood is everyday magic. It’s imaginative play, running wildly through nature, and wonder.
My young daughter will commit to being a dog, with a leash dragging behind her, before falling into a new imaginative world where she’s zipping around the house as a superhero. Can you imagine being present in that limitless world?
In a world where anything is possible, a magical nature wand is the perfect craft.

In true midwest winter fashion, we used collected sticks, pine needles, and some dried spring flowers. The secret to creating sculpted toppers are long, flexible pine needles, grasses, and the like- or thin sticks and stems for shapes like stars.

When making our heart toppers, we found that the natural sectioning of pine needles is the perfect guide for getting started. We moved one small pine grouping to the each side and cut away the top section.

Once you’re able to fold each grouping downward, into a half heart, you can wrap them with your cotton twine to hold them in place. We began with our twine knotted around our base stick, so that it was ready to wrap.

As you continue wrapping your twine, you can add your additional botanicals along the stick. Once complete, tie your twine tightly to secure everything in place! Tada!