The night sky is fascinating, no matter hold old you are. Summertime star gazing is the best.
I hope you check out some of the books on the list this month! I really love Animals in the Sky and The Sky Above My Eyes.

A Child's Introduction to the Night Sky by Meredith Hamilton
Good Night, World by Willa Perlman
Animals in the Sky by Sara Gillingham
Zoo in the Sky: A Book of Animal Constellations by Jacqueline Mitton
Ada and the Galaxies by Alan Lightman and Olga Pastuchiv
Always Looking Up by Nancy Grace Roman, Astronomer
The Glow In the Dark Night Sky Book by Clint Hatchett
Once Upon a Star: A poetic Journey Through Space by James Carter
What Color is Night? by Grant Snider
Comets, Stars, the Moon, and Mars: Space Poems and Paintings by Douglas Florian
The Skies Above My Eyes by Charlotte Guillain and Yuval Zommer
Amazing Night Sky Atlas by Lonely Planet Kids
The Universe and You by Suzanne Slade
If You Were the Moon by Laura Purdie Salas
Fireflies Light the Night by Miranda Rose Wommer
Lucy's Light by Margarita Del Mazo
The Stuff Between the Stars: How Vera Rubin Discovered Most of the Universe by Sandra Nickel
The Light in the Night by Marie Voigt